Awesome Freebies Stuff - Savings for Real People
Welcome to Freebies Island - Home of Awesome Freebies Stuff and Savings. We are here to show you that the internet is a great place to get some freebie savings and some really good things for free, or at least at a discounted price. You see it is actually possible to receive free items from the internet if you are prepared to put a little effort into it. We originally found out about this through curiosity, and decided to actually find out if it was possible to get something for free. So we researched it and tried a few offers and stumbled across an entire community that were all about getting things for free from the internet.
What's hot, best freebies:
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The most popular category is electornic freebies, but you will also find discounts, coupons and general savings for items available on the internet. Hopefully this will help you cut down costs and leave you with a little extra cash to play with. Unlike other sites we do not charge a fee for our work, all information provided here is 100% FREE. This is YOUR site, and our aim is to provide you with the best offers on the web.
List of Free PC to phone calls providersFree Image Hosting - awesome list of free image hosting providers
Free Gift Cards - the best free gift card offers and gift certificates
Spyware Removal Tips - resources about spyware and adware
Fax on internet - try online faxing for free
So to our delight we found that it was possible to get that free laptop that you see in your subject line, you just had to know where to look. Freebie savings are very feasable as long as you know how to do it - and thats where we come in. Firstly, understand that there is work required on your part.
Nobody is just going to give away thousands of dollars worth of freebies just for the sake of it. They are going to want to get something from you. You will usually have to sign up for their newsletter or open an account with them, answer a customer satisfaction survey etc. But whatever it is it is well worth your time as you will understand when you check your mail and find out that you have a parcel waiting for you. When we created this site we wanted to make an entire resource that people could use. The Net is generally cheaper and you can literally find anything, so there are a lot of savings to be made and people should be aware of the advantages that they can achieve.
If there are any categories you would like to see added to Freebies Island then please send us an email to, and we will do our utmost to look for offers that we feel would appeal to you.